Non-Waiver Services
In addition to Medicaid waiver services, Colorado offers the following services for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) and their families. Individuals applying for services may be placed on waiting lists for these programs.
For assistance with services in your community: View Map of CCBs
Supported Living Services (State-funded)
State-funded Supported Living Services are used to supplement already available supports for adults who either can live independently with limited supports, or, if they need extensive support, are principally supported from other sources, such as family. State-SLS provides a variety of services, such as:
Personal care services, including assistance with eating, bathing, dressing, and homemaking needs
Employment and other day services
Access to the community, transportation, and 24-hour emergency assistance
Help with decision-making
Assistive technology and home modification
Professional therapies
And many other services intended to help with day-to-day needs
Family Support Services Program (FSSP)
Family Support Services assist families with costs beyond those normally experienced by other families without children with IDD, and to avoid or delay costly out-of-home placements. FSSP funding can be used for a variety of needs and expenses within regulatory parameters. Each Community Centered Board has a Family Support Services Council that decides how these dollars will be spent. Contact your local CCB for more information. View Map of CCBs
Early Intervention Services
Early Intervention Services provide support to infants and toddlers (birth through age two) who have, or are at risk of, developmental disabilities and dela. These services enhance a child’s development and learning. They also enhance a family’s ability to support their well-being.
Early Intervention Services are important because the critical window for development is during the first three years of a child’s life. The earlier services are provided, the greater the impact these services have. Additionally, extensive studies demonstrate that providing services early in children’s lives often results in fewer resources being needed to support them as they grow older. Early Intervention Services may include the following:
Assistive technology devices and services
Family training, counseling, and home visits
Health services Nutrition services
Nursing services
Occupational therapy, physical therapy
Psychological services
Service coordination
Social work services
Specialized instruction
Speech / language services
Transportation Vision services
Community Centered Boards provide service coordination for EI services. Contact your CCB for more information.View Map of CCBs.
For more information, visit Early Intervention Colorado, which serves as a central directory of information and resources for all components of the early intervention system. Arrange a FREE screening for your child by contacting Early Intervention Colorado. 1-888-777-4041