Annual IDD Awareness Day at the Capitol 2016
We are encourge all members, state partners, and legislators that use social media to use #COIDD on Facebook and Twitter to share your updates and photos. Remember, you do not need to have a twitter account to enjoy the updates and pictures. Just visit
Pledge of Allegiance
Congratulations to Seth King from Overture in Lakewood and Steven Mozeika from Dungarvin in Denver. Seth and Steven were selected to lead the Pledge of Allegiance in the Senate and House at 9:00am on February 17th. Please join us in supporting them.
IDD Awarness Day Resolution SJR16-007
Click HERE to read the IDD Awareness Day House Joint Resolution SJR16-007 (Sponsors: Senator Larry Crowder, Representative Daneya Esgar & Representative Clarice Navarro-Ratzlaff)
Please join us in congratulating our 2016 Direct Support Professional Finalists!
The DSP nominees share several things in common – a willingness to go above and beyond what is required of them, an ability to see solutions where others only see barriers, and most importantly, a deep and unyielding commitment to the individuals they serve.
We are excited to announce the finalists for the Direct Services Professional of the Year Award!
Developmental Disabilities Resource Center: Colette
Anderson -
Developmental Pathways/Continuum of CO: Caroline
Poulos -
Horizons Specialized Services: Jana Hoffman
Congratulations to ALL nominees who do great work for the people we serve!

If you were unable to attend the 2016 Awareness Day, you can still watch the pledge and testimony on the resolution here.
2016 Direct Support Professional Honoree: Jessica Martin with Developmental Pathways/Continuum of CO:
Jessica is well known for her constant encouragement to the individuals she supports. She has an artful way of incorporating activities that teach people to be independent. She is currently working diligently to teach a few individuals how to become responsible volunteers at both a local food bank and an assisted living center. She has been teaching gems like the importance of arriving on time (even when you’re not getting paid), using general niceties like ‘Please’ and ‘Thank you’ (even when you’re providing the service), and always doing your best (even when you feel like giving up).
When anyone she supports opens up to her about poor choices they’ve made recently, she never judges or expresses concern, but instead focuses on teaching the potentially negative consequences that could result from that decision. Jessica is passionate about helping others to learn from their mistakes rather than to prevent them from happening.
Jessica has long-term relationships with so many different individuals, likely due to a combination of her tenure mixed with her enthusiasm to help out at a variety of settings. She loves helping out at both day program and residential homes, because she gets to see the overlap in both areas of peoples’ lives. This has resulted in a deeper connection with so many folks, because they recognize her and feel comfortable with her presence everywhere they go! Recently, there was an individual who was suddenly choosing not to come to day program. When Jessica had the opportunity to work at that person’s home, she jumped at the opportunity. When she arrived, RB said “Doh! You caught me!” and then they were able to have a meaningful conversation about what his hesitations were about coming to day program. RB has attended day program every day since that time.
DH was really interested in dressing up for Halloween and being able to compete in a costume contest, but he was struggling with ideas. DH knew he wanted to dress as something funny, so Jessica helped brainstorm. They decided on a toilet bowl costume, and then Jessica assisted him with making the entire thing from scratch! DH was thrilled at this witty and creative costume and every time someone wanted to snap a picture, DH wanted to give credit to its creator. DH won first prize in the costume contest!
Her creativity and thoughtfulness also shined through in a recent situation when an individual who loves the Colorado Rockies was unable to attend their baseball clinic. Jessica knew of this gentleman but did not work with him directly. When she heard about the unfortunate circumstance, she collected lots of give-aways and souvenirs to bring back to him while at the clinic with others.
For two consecutive years Jessica has organized a fundraising event that is now held annually. She found a local salon that was willing to donate profits to benefit those in our services. She passionately volunteered her time scheduling appointments and organizing all details related to the event. In its inaugural year, she helped raise an impressive $859.50!
She also recently corralled a group to participate in a 5k walk to support individuals with cleft palates. She offered to register anyone that was interested and influenced a spirit of excitement. At the finish line, there was a local brewery passing out their beer. Jessica immediately requested contact information for someone from the brewery to talk about hosting a fundraiser. Through diligence and enthusiasm, the brewery held a fundraiser several weeks later! It seems like Jessica is always looking for something extra to do on behalf of people with disabilities.
Congratulations Jessica!

2016 Keynote: Senator Kent Lambert

David Braddock, Ph.D. is Senior Associate Vice President of the University of Colorado (CU) system and Executive Director of the Coleman Institute for Cognitive Disabilities. He also holds the endowed Coleman-Turner Chair in cognitive disability and is a professor in the School of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry at the Anschutz Medical Campus.
Dr. Braddock was previously at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) for over 20 years and is professor emeritus. He was founding head of the UIC's academic Department of Disability and Human Development, and was instrumental in establishing several innovative programs including the nation's first PhD program in disability studies, the Illinois University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities, the State of the States in Developmental Disabilities Project, the CDC-funded National Center on Physical Activity and Disability, and centers in assistive technology, aging, and the Disability and Business Technical Assistance Center on the implementation of the ADA. Prior to UIC, he held positions in Washington, D.C. in the U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare's Secretary's Committee on Mental Retardation and the Council for Exceptional Children.
His publications primarily focus on long-term care, health promotion and disease prevention and public policy toward disability. He has given presentations in 48 states and seven foreign countries and provided invited testimony in the legislatures of 15 states. His research has influenced mental disability legislation, litigation, and appropriations decisions in many states and nationally. He is the recipient of numerous awards, including most recently the 2013 ANCOR Foundation President's Award, 2012 AAIDD Leadership Award, and the 2011 Thomas Jefferson Award from the Board of Regents of the University of Colorado.
Alliance Members and Invited Guests Only