Nearly 400 people attended the IDD Wait List hearing at the Colorado Capitol to support END THE WAIT! We asked everyone to wear blue!
Legislator Contact: Emma Hudson emma@emmahudsonconsulting.com
The Time Has Come to END THE WAIT!!!
A proposal to ensure access to quality services and enhance IDD system capacity
On this page you will find:
Colorado currently has three Medicaid waiver programs that serve people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD): Children’s Extensive Supports (CES), Supported Living Services (SLS), and Developmental Disabilities (DD). These waivers provide supports in the person’s home and community to help with activities of daily living like bathing, getting dressed, finding and getting to work, and participating in community life. They are critical to ensuring that people with IDD can access the services they need to fully participate in their communities. Community-based IDD services are a unique marriage of the public and private sectors; the private agencies that provide them rely on Medicaid reimbursements for 90-98% of their revenues.

On February 27th, 2019, Alliance, The Arc of Colorado and JFK Partners displayed 3,000 flags in front of the Denver City and County building to demonstrate the lives of those impacted by the wait list and our commitment to work together on a solution to eliminate it. We hope that you will take a moment to appreciate that each of these flags represents a person whose support needs aren’t getting met.
Waiting List for DD Services
Unfortunately, despite the intensive level of care needed by people on the waiting list, it continues to grow and today totals about 3,000 Coloradans. Many of these individuals have been waiting more than a decade for the critical supports they need to fully participate in their communities. Despite a 2014 General Assembly decision (HB14-1051) to direct HCPF to create a comprehensive plan to eliminate the waiting list by 2020, no clear plan currently exists. While we have made some progress to help people come off the waiting list in recent years, a long-term solution is sorely needed.
IDD System Capacity
Because Medicaid is the only funder of these services, IDD providers rely on Medicaid reimbursements for 90-98% of their revenues and they cannot shift costs to the people they serve or private insurance payors like other Medicaid providers. IDD providers are therefore disproportionately affected by economic factors such as the rising minimum wage and inflation. In 2008, the baseline rate structure for IDD services was set at only 76% of the cost of doing business. Since then, rates have continued to lag far behind inflation and increasing costs. For example, in the last five years, the Colorado minimum wage has increased 34.7%, while IDD waiver rates have increased only 11.6%. This disparity will be compounded by local minimum wage increases allowed by legislation passed in 2019. These decades-long structural financing issues and new challenges are placing strain on the service system, and - most importantly - limiting access to services for Coloradans with IDD and their families.

System capacity and addressing the waiting list are inextricably linked – adding more people to an underfunded system simply means that, instead of waiting for enrollment, people wait to find providers.
We call this the “invisible waiting list”.
To advance the goal of eliminating the waiting list while ensuring system capacity, the General Assembly should:
Commit to a 6-year, phased-in elimination of the DD waiting list. In each of the next six years, Colorado should enroll one-sixth (about 500 people) of the individuals on the DD waiver’s As Soon As Available waiting list; and
Tie future increases to the Consumer Price Index (aka standard inflation measure) to ensure the availability of providers to serve new and existing enrollees.
Year one of the six-year waiting list elimination coupled with a rate increase based on CPI (approximately 2.7% in 2018) amounts to $26 million General Fund (not including savings from people moving off the SLS waiver). For every dollar Colorado invests, the federal government provides a 100% match, doubling the impact. Once fully implemented after six years, the lives of 3,000 Coloradans and their families will forever be changed.
Supporters of this 2020 End the Wait Initiative!!!
Businesses IN SUPPORT (Updated 10/27/2020)
Advocacy Groups:
Community Centered Boards:
Blue Peaks Developmental Services, Inc.
Colorado Bluesky Enterprises, Inc.
Community Connections, Inc.
Community Options, Inc.
Developmental Disabilities Resource Center
Developmental Pathways
Eastern Colorado Services for the Developmentally Disabled
Foothills Gateway, Inc.
Horizons Specialized Services
Inspiration Field
Mountain Valley Developmental Services, Inc.
North Metro Community Services
Rocky Mountain Human Services
Southeastern Developmental Services, Inc.
Southern Colorado Developmental Disability Services
The Resource Exchange
Corporate and Community Support:​
Provider Agencies:
A Better Life Experience, Inc. (ABLE)
A Brighter Community, LLC
Ability Specialists
Acting Up Seminars, LLC
Activity Options
All Friends, Inc.
Alpine Adult Day Care, LLC & Alpine Homecare, LLC
Altra Services Inc.
Ariel Clinical Services
Ascendigo Autism Services
Behavior Services of the Rockies
Belk Model, LLC
Provider Agencies Continued:
Bethesda Lutheran Communities
C.A.R.E. Inc
Cheyenne Village
Colorado Autism Consultants
Common Roots LLC
Community Advantage
Community Link
Community Living Alternatives
Community Outreach, Inc.
Community Support Services
Continuum of Colorado
Cottonwood Community Alternatives
Devereux Advanced Behavioral Health - Colorado
Dungarvin Colorado, Inc.
Dynamic Dimensions, Inc.
Easterseals Colorado
Elevated Supports
Evergreen Service Providers
Freedom Career Services
FRIENDS of Broomfield
Garden, Inc.
GoldStar Learning Options Inc.
Happy and Smile Home Care
Integrated Life Choices
Jewish Family Service
Jordan Residential and Vocational Services
Karuna Care Services
Metro Support Services
Nursing and Therapy Services of Colorado (NTSOC)
Oliver Behavioral Consultants
Parker Personal Care Homes, Inc.
Pueblo Diversified Industries
PursueJoy LLC
Quality Life Services
Rehabilitative Rhythms Music Therapy
Rocky Mountain Pathfinders, LLC
Roundup Fellowship
Sample Supports
Schaefer Enterprises
Shared Touch, Inc
Six Points Evaluation and Training, Inc.
Skills Academy Day Program
Stepping Stone Support Center
Support, Inc.
The Child & Family Center of Denver
Thrive Community Options
Treeline Pass
Wellspring Community
Wild Sun Behavioral Services, LLC
Self Advocates, Parents, Guardians, and Friends IN SUPPORT (Updated 3/3/2020)
Adrienne Paradis (Parent in Littleton)
Alexa Mapes (Denver)
Alicia Spear (La Plata County)
Amanda J (Resource Coordinator)
Amber Smith (Colorado Springs)
Amy Schmedeke (Craig)
Andrea Morrow-Kraljic (NMSC in Englewood)
Andrew Knight (Colorado Association for Music Therapy in Fort Collins)
Andrew Scorsone (Littleton)
Angela Grimes (Residential Case Manager in Arvada)
Annette Richter (USA Technologies in Aurora)
Arnetta Starnes (Parent in Denver)
Dr. Art Hogling (Evergreen)
Aubrey Wright (Direct Support Mentor in Arvada)
Barb Manchego (Inspiration Field in La Junta)
Barbara Kenyon-Mohrlang (Community Living Alternatives, Inc. in Aurora)
Barbara Ramsey (SGPC in Denver)
Barbara Sharp (Happy Days Again, LLC in Aurora)
Beverly Winters (DDRC in Lakewood)
Birte Kalz (Littleton)
Brandie Montoya (Durango)
Brian Gauna (Inspiration Field in La Junta)
Brittany Lauer (Ariel Clinical Services in Grand Junction)
Bryan Simmons (Cottonwood Community Alternatives in Englewood)
Caitlin Coffield (Inspiration Field in La Junta)
Carl DeGolier (Castle Rock)
Carla Esquibel-Melendez (Lakewood)
Carol Silvestain (Parent)
Caroline Dekkers (FGI in Fort Collins)
Caroline Rettig (Para Educator in Montrose)
Carrie McWilliams (Parker)
Carrie Morris (North Metro Community Services, Inc. in Westminster)
Catherine Kiene (Durango)
Catherine Sounart (Canon City)
Celeste Ewert (Envision in Greeley)
Chelsea Johnson (Durango)
Chelsea Sayer (Castle Rock)
Chelsey Heath (Ariel Clinical Services in Grand Junction)
Cheryl Bryant (Durango)
Christine Wester (Denver)
Christopher Ruge (Support Inc in Evans)
Christy Liden (Ariel Clinical Services in Grand Junction)
Cindy Muller (Englewood)
Cindy Newell (Lafayette)
Cindy Opheim (Cottonwood Community Alternatives in Englewood)
Corrine Farney (Direct Support Professional in Broomfield)
Corry Robinson Rosenberg (JFK Partners in Denver)
Crystallene O'Shea (Community Living Alternatives in Aurora)
Daniel Parsons (Be The Change in Durango)
Daniel Yost (Self-Advocate in La Junta)
Darcie Doolin (Ariel Clinical Services in Grand Junction)
David Aarestad (Candidate for Colorado House District 41)
David Hicks (Aurora)
Debbie Klein (FGI in Fort Collins)
Deborah Lapp (FGI in Fort Collins)
Deborah Neill (Adoptive Mom/Guardian from Grand Junction)
Debra Taylor (Parent/Guardian in Glenwood Springs)
Deirdre Noble (Vail Symposium in Vail)
Deirdre Pepin (Horizons in Steamboat Springs)
Devin Eppers (PDC Pharmacy in Boulder)
Diana McFail (Centennial)
Donna Daly (Westminster)
Doug Shepherd (Westminster)
Duane Roy (SCDDS in Trinidad)
Elizabeth Alire (Ariel Clinical Services in Grand Junction)
Erica Tafoya (Denver)
Erin Eulenfeld (FGI in Fort Collins)
Eva Groves (Cottonwood Community Alternatives in Elizabeth)
Eyerusael Mengesha (Host Home Provider in Denver)
Francis Docherty (Bellvue CO)
Frank Wilkins (Ken Caryl)
Franz Huber (Grand Junction)
Gary Armour (Parent — Advocate in Grand Junction)
Gerald Bellendir (Greeley)
Gitanjali Shrestha (Host Home Provider in Longmont)
Grace Hendricks (Ariel Clinical Services in Grand Junction)
Greg Arbour (Denver)
Gregg Wilson (Community Living Alternatives in Aurora)
Gwen Bonilla (Support Inc in Aurora)
Hannah Shilling (Social Worker in Grand Junction)
Heather Hagen (DDRC in Conifer)
Helen Hollar (La Junta)
Jack Swift (Lone Tree)
Jacob Spencer (Overture in Longmont)
Jakeob Cox (Caregiver in Boulder)
Janet Trujillo (Parent in Canon City)
Jayne Tschirhart-Short (Community Support Services, Inc. in Aurora)
Jeff Newman (Self-Advocate in Durango)
Jeffrey Sheley (Ariel Clinical Services in Grand Junction)
Jenelle Wininger (Overture in Denver)
Jenna Riley (Community Partnerships & Associates in Aurora)
Jennifer Biggs (Overture in Lakewood)
Jennifer Kalkhorst (Arvada)
Jennifer Torres (Cottonwood Community Alternatives, Inc. in Englewood)
Jenny Jordan (Developmental Pathways in Denver)
Jessica Eppel (Mosaic in Denver)
Jessica Peck (Greeley)
Jessica Cannon (Steamboat Springs)
Jessica Hartman (Arvada)
JoAnn Kowal (Parker)
Joann Marshall (Arvada)
Joann Owen (Firestone)
Joann Marshall (Arvada)
John Klausz (Mountain Valley Developmental Services in Glenwood Springs)
Josh Rael (Denver)
Joye Miller (Laradon in Denver)
Judi Hulvey (Brighton)
Judy Stevens (Broomfield)
Julia Hoeppner (Inspiration Field in La Junta)
Karen Caldwell (Pueblo)
Karen Huber (Grand Junction)
Karen Roberts (Denver)
Karen Wainscott (Envision in Greeley)
Karen Zeid (Boulder)
Katherine Hartley (Horizons in Steamboat Springs)
Kathi McGinley (Guardian/Parent in Fort Collins)
Kathryn Shepherd (Westminster)
Kathy Plunk (Grand Junction)
Katie Kushnir (Belk Model in Wheat Ridge)
Katie Trotter (Overture in Highlands Ranch)
Keelin Schaffrath (Grand Junction)
Keith Larsen, Sr (Guardian/Arc of Mesa County in Grand Junction)
Kelly Britton (Mosaic in Grand Junction)
Kelly Herzog (Avon)
Kelly Salling (Colorado Springs)
Kelsey Parker (Direct Support Professional in Garfield County)
Kenneth Berry (Activity Options in Lakewood)
Kevin Graves (CommonWorks in Colorado Springs)
Kirk Coy (Adult Foster Care Provider in Hesperus)
Kristie Braaten (DDRC in Lakewood)
Kylie Kampbell (Denver)
Laila Gillam (Centennial)
Laura Ayers (Mountain Valley Developmental Services in Glenwood Springs)
Laura Leach (Denver)
Lee Carter (Centennial)
Lila Downing (Englewood)
Lina Watkins (Community Living Alternatives in Arvada))
Linda Kranz (Manitou Springs)
Lori Schult (Laradon in Denver)
​Madeleine Robinson (Denver)
Madeline Landgren (Steamboat Springs)
Marcia Francis (Bethesda Lutheran Communities in Englewood)
Marilyn Cosson (Denver)
Marilyn Robinson (Grand Junction)
Mark J. McCluskey (Pueblo Community Resources in Pueblo)
Mary Ann Tillman
Matt Payne (Community Connections, Inc. in Durango)
Matthew Magnotta (Brighton)
Mayre Lynn Schmit (Centennial)
Meg Reynolds (Elizabeth)
Meg Zorn (Support, Inc in Colorado Springs)
Megan Hawkins (Overture in Longmont)
Meghan Horihan (GoldStar Learning Options Inc. in Denver)
Melanie Goodman (Longmont)
Michael Atlas-Acuna (Colorado Bluesky in Pueblo)
Michele Majeune (DDRC in Lakewood)
Mike Jordan (Jordan Residential & Vocational Services Inc. in Pueblo)
Misty West (QAFCP in Westminster)
Nola Restesan (RN, BSN in Aurora)
Olivia Mayer (Centennial)
Patricia Finkner (La Junta)
Paul Tafoya (Lakewood)
Pauline Davis (Logan, Thomas, Johnson CPA LLC in Denver)
Peter Bell (Parent/Ascendigo Autism Services in Carbondale)
Rebecca Ely (Grand Junction)
Rebecca Schreck (Arvada)
Reid Duvall (Horizons in Steamboat Springs)
Rob DeHerrera (DDRC in Lakewood)
Robert Froehike (Physician)
Robert Loomis (Evans)
Robert Marisette (Community Options in Montrose)
Robin Phillips (Lafayette)
Robin Platt (Inspiration Field in La Junta)
Roger Jensen (Retired CCB CEO in Salida)
Ronald Skabo (Lakewood)
Ronald and Mary Ann Stevens (Greeley)
Rosie Wartner-Chaney (Pine)
Ruth Coyle (Arvada)
Samuel Nyame (Happy and Smile Home Care in Aurora)
Sandy Duran (Laradon in Denver)
Sara Sims (Mountain Valley Developmental Services in Glenwood Springs)
Sarah Henrich (Mosaic in Denver)
Sarah Knight (Grand Junction)
Sharon Chamberlain (Ariel Clinical Services in Grand Junction)
Sondra Cordova (Community Connections in Cortez)
Stacy Hill (FGI in Fort Collins)
Stan Neverve (Westminster)
Stephanie Areman (Self-Advocate in Steamboat Springs)
Steve Berg (La Junta)
Steven Baker (Greeley)
Susan Hartley (The Imagine Project in Denver)
Susan Reynolds (NMSC in Westminster)
Susan Mizen (Horizons in Steamboat Springs)
Tabitha Carter (Windsor)
Tara Kiene (Community Connections in Durango)
Tatum Heath (Horizons in Steamboat Springs)
Tauni McRae-Couch (Guardian)
Terry Jost (Steamboat Springs)
Theresa Baffour Addae (Self-Advocate in Aurora)
Theresa Vosberg (Lakewood)
Thomas Bruch (Greeley)
Thomas Dwyer (Physician from Montrose)
Tom Turner (Community Options in Montrose)
Travis Cutshaw (Blue Peaks Developmental Services in Alamosa)
Vanessa Lehman (Colorado Springs)
Vickie Kelemen (Ariel Clinical Services in Grand Junction)
Wendy Rainford (Louisville)
Zeke Vigil (La Junta)
END THE WAIT Testimonials
Testimonials of people who just got off the wait list
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