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Copies of presentations will continue to be made available as they are approved to be posted

Wednesday Presentations
Alison Barkoff, Center for Public Representation “Policies Around Meaningful Community Inclusion:  Opportunities and Challenges”
Michael Smull, Support Development Associates “Choice, Control and the New Final Rule”
Gil Romero & Emma Hudson, Alliance Government Relations Team “Government Relations: Session in Review and Looking Toward 2018”
Thursday Presentations
Katherine Berland, American Network of Community Options and Resources “What’s Happening on the Federal Front? Updates from Washington, D.C.”
Alixe Bonardi, Human Services Research Institute & Jeff Shoemaker, The Council on Quality and Leadership “Using National Data to Benchmark State Performance: Collaborative Efforts to Determine Statewide Quality”
Dr. Randall Wilson, Jobs for the Future “Strengthening the Direct Support Workforce: Better Jobs, Skills, and Career Advancement”
Aron Snyder “Colorado’s No Wrong Door Efforts: Solving the Puzzle of LTSS”
Leslie Dugan “Abuse Prevention and Skillful Screening of Staff and Volunteers”
Ann Watts & Adam Tucker “Affordable Housing 102”
Shea Tanis “State of the States in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities 2017: Colorado and National Trends”
Thomas Tirney “Best Practices for Client Fund Management”
Friday Presentations
Shea Tanis ”Community Inclusion and Social Media”
Josh Negrini “Cross-System Behavioral Health Crisis Response Pilot Program for Individuals with IDD”
Katie Taliercio “Employment Gateway: Matching Individual Talent with Business Needs”
Christy Scott & Ashley Furney “Using Data to Measure Quality”
Jennifer Scilacci, M.Ed. & Augusta Klimek, M.A., CRC "Competitive Integrated Employment - the federal law and its application in Colorado"
Brittani Trujillo & Dave DeNovellis, Colorado Department of Health Care Policy and Financing “Conflict-Free Case Management Implementation”
Leah Pogoriler, Colorado Department of Health Care Policy and Financing "HCBS Settings Final Rule Implementation"

Thank you to our 2017 Platinum Sponsors 

Thank you to our 2017 Gold Sponsors 

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