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2014 Alliance June Summit


"The Good Life: Person Centered Thinking"


Steamboat Springs, Colorado

June 18th – 20th, 2014


OPENING KEYNOTE: "Person Centered Services: Empowering People to Live a Meaningful and Complete Life"

Dakota Johns, Motivational Speaker


KEYNOTE: "Managing Change to Create a Values-Based Organization"

In Partnership with: The Division for Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

Mike Mayer, Senior Partner, Community Resource Alliance


KEYNOTE: "Everyone Leads: Building Leadership from the Community Up"

Paul Schmitz, CEO, Public Allies


PRESENTATION: "Changing Your System – One Person at a Time"

In Partnership with: The Division for Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

Mike Mayer, Senior Partner, Community Resource Alliance


KEYNOTE: "Disability Trends and the Future – A National Perspective"

Renee Pietrangelo, CEO

Diane McComb, State Association Executives Forum Liaison



PRESENTATION: "Government Relations Committee Brief"


BREAKOUT SESSION: "Improving Quality in Early Intervention Programs: Addressing Colorado’s Strengths and Challenges in Developing a Five-Year State Systemic Improvement Plan"

Ardith Ferguson, M.Ed., Manager

Beth Cole, Fiscal Accountability Coordinator

Early Intervention Colorado Program

Colorado Department of Human Services, Office of Early Childhood, Division of Community and Family Support


BREAKOUT SESSION: "Oh The Lives That Have Changed!"

Facilitated by Jamie Martin, Foothills Gateway, Inc.


BREAKOUT SESSION: "Marijuana in the Workplace"

Sponsored by: Flood & Peterson

Curtis Graves, Esq., SPHR, Employment Law Services, Mountain States Employers Council


PANEL DISCUSSION: "Becoming a Person Centered Organization ~ what did it take?"

Facilitated by Stacy Hill, Foothills Gateway, Inc.


BREAKOUT SESSION: "Technology COPs – An arresting presentation on how three organizations from around the country are working together to improve services and supports"

Greg Wellems, Chief Operating Officer, Imagine!


BREAKOUT SESSION: "Colorado’s Demonstration to Integrate Care for Medicare-Medicaid Enrollees"

Van Wilson, MSW, MPH, Medicaid Reform Unit, Health Program Services & Supports Division, Department of Health Care Policy and Financing


BREAKOUT SESSION: "Colorado Gap Analysis Project Update"

Cordelia Robinson Rosenberg, Ph.D., R.N., B.S., Director, JFK Partners, program of Pediatrics and Psychiatry, CU School of Medicine

Marijo Rymer, Executive Director, Arc of Colorado

Carol Meredith, Executive Director, Arc of Arapahoe & Douglas Counties


GENERAL SESSION/PANEL DISCUSSION: "Person Centered Training/Building Statewide Capacity: Next Steps"

Facilitated by Mark Emery, Executive Director, Imagine! & Alliance President


BREAKOUT SESSION: "Self-Advocacy as Service: Reaching Core Needs of Adults with Autism in a New Services Environment"

Valerie Paradiz, PhD, Executive Director, Autistic Global Initiative, Autism Research Institute


BREAKOUT SESSION: "Person Centered: From Planning to Implementation"

Steve Valente, Senior Director, Dungarvin



Tyler Deines, Projects Manager, Colorado Department of Health Care Policy and Financing – Division for Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities


BREAKOUT SESSION: "Early Intervention Services and the Coordinated System of Payment"

Ardith Ferguson, M.Ed., Manager

Tammi Graham, Director

Early Intervention Colorado Program, Colorado Department of Human Services, Office of Early Childhood, Division of Community and Family Support

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